Toolbox: For Your Royal Priestly Callings

  • As a Spouse

    • Print Resources
      • Books
        • Love and Respect by Emmerson Eggerichs
        • For Men Only by Shaunti and Jeff Feldham
        • Meaning of Marriage: Facing the Complexities of Commitment with the Wisdom of God by Timothy Keller
      • Essays
      • Devotionals
    • Audio and Visual Resources
      • Audio Books
        • Love and Respect by Emmerson Eggerichs
        • For Men Only by Shaunti and Jeff Feldham
        • Meaning of Marriage: Facing the Complexities of Commitment with the Wisdom of God by Timothy Keller
      • Videos
        • Love and Respect by Emmerson Eggerichs
      • Podcasts
    • Electronic Resources
      • Email Subscriptions
      • Apps
      • Websites
  • As a Parent

    • Print Resources
      • Books
        • Love and Respect in the Family by Emmerson Eggerichs
      • Essays
      • Devotionals
    • Audio and Visual Resources
      • Audio Books
      • Videos
      • Podcasts
    • Electronic Resources
      • Email Subscriptions
      • Apps
      • Website
  • Managing God's Gift of Time

    • Print Resources
      • Books
        • What’s Best Next: How the Gospel Transforms the Way You Get Things Done by Matthew Perman (Zondervan: 2014) Perman seeks to take the best of David Allen’s Getting Things Done system (see next resource) and translate that into some gospel-focused patterns of our lives.
        • Getting Things Done:  The Art of Stress-Free Productivity by David Allen (Penguin: 2001) Allen offers very practical and detailed advice on developing a system to allow us not to be overwhelmed by all the things we have to get done in all our callings in life.
        • Your Life in Rhythm:  Less stress, more Peace, Less frustration, more Fulfillment, Less discouragement, more Hope  by Bruce Miller (Tyndale, 2009) Miller seeks to make use of the twin biblical concepts of kairos (specific seasons of our lives) and chronos (the passing of days, weeks, months, quarters, and years) to help us find a sense of rhythm God has woven into the various life-stages through which we pass in all our callings.
        • The Power of Full Engagement:  Managing Energy, Not Time, Is the Key to High Performance and Personal Renewal by Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz  (The Free Press:  2003) Loehr and Schwartz confront the lie of our hurried, digital world that we can somehow live at maximum capacity 24/7/365.  They seek to help us design patterns and rituals to help us wisely move back and forth between (good) stress and (needed) recovery so as to manage wisely what the call our most precious resource for accomplishing tasks:  our energy.
        • 9 Things Successful People Do Differently by Heidi Grant Halvorson (Harvard Business Review Press: 2012) This is a simple and quick read that yields some very helpful insights from a whole host of psychological studies in regard to how to set goals and achieve them.
        • Succeed:  How We Can Reach Our Goals by Heidi Grant Halvorson (Plume: 2012) This book is the “rest of the story” that Halvorson covers so quickly in 9 Things (see the resource above).  In this book she reveals more of the research that led to some of the suggestions she offered in her shorter work.
        • Death by Meeting by Patrick Lencioni
        • Do More Better by Tim Challies
      • Essays
        • Fan God’s Gifts into Flame  (Grow in Grace: 2016) This is one of the ministry develop packages produced by Grow in Grace.  This essay and workbook helps a pastor or other called worker to go through a step by step process to do annual planning and goal setting for all of their callings (child of God, royal priestly callings, public ministry callings).
      • Devotionals
    • Courses
      • Fan God’s Gifts into Flame This course is built off the 2016 Grow in Grace ministry development package.   The course invites participants through reading and discussion to work through a process for planning for growth in all their God-given callings (call to faith, and the various callings God gives to each of us in our public ministry and royal priestly service).  The goal of the course is to send each participant home with a concrete set of growth goals for the upcoming year.
    • Audio and Visual Resources
    • Electronic Resources
      • Email Subscriptions
      • Apps
      • Websites
      • Michael Hyatt is the former CEO of Thomas Nelson Publishers.  He has become one of the leading bloggers in the areas of helping leaders set goals and live a more balanced life. While a devout Christian himself, the fact that he writes to a more general business audience means that his blog posts are written from a more secular perspective.  His annual course (offered each December and January)  5 Days to Your Best Year Ever can be quite helpful for goal setting.  While much of what he offers is free, there is a charge for his course and for the more one-on-one consulting that he does.
  • Health and Fitness

    • Print Resources
      • Books
      • Devotionals
    • Audio and Visual Resources
      • Audio Books
      • Videos
      • Podcasts
    • Electronic Resources
      • Email Subscriptions
      • Apps
        • LoseIt!
        • Fitbit
        • MyFitnessPal
      • Websites