Daily Chapel – February 23 2016
Date: 02-23-2016
Scripture Lesson:Jeremiah 26:8-15
Preacher: Nathaniel Jensen
Description: Tuesday – Jeremiah 26:8-15 Jeremiah had a very difficult message to preach. He was preaching God’s message of judgment against the people. They didn’t like it. In fact, they were ready to kill him for it. But Jeremiah didn’t shy away from his job as prophet. He was persistent in the face of persecution. He urged the people to repent, but many would not listen. Just like Jesus lamented the people’s rejection of the gospel when he said “Jerusalem, Jerusalem,” we see the same attitude here of disregard for God’s message of mercy. Service Regular chapel order Speaker Nathaniel Jensen Hymns ~ 465 Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken ~ 477 What Is the World to Me Organist Prof. Tiefel